What are Micro Frontends?

What are Micro Frontends?

Principles of Micro Frontends for Mobile

Today mobile application development has grown exponentially, interestingly it is also ever-evolving.

The concept of Micro Frontends has gained significant importance recently due to its nature of flexibility & scalability in development of Mobile Apps. Micro frontends offer a modular approach to front-end development, allowing teams to work independently on different parts of an application.

Micro Frontends were introduced at 2020 Thought works TechRadar. To define it simply imagine it like a website or web app owned by an independent, each team has an area of teams Micro Frontends we can take Microservices Architecture as an inspiration. Micro Frontends refer to creating multiple modules, deploying and testing it independently but it appears as a single integrated application.

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What are the Benefits of Micro Frontend?


Disintegration of User Interface

Micro Frontends advocates breaking down user interfaces into smaller modules that can be developed, deployed and tested independently. These allow separate teams to develop separate modules of mobile applications which in-turn enable parallel development and maximize overall output. It also enables teams to work without interfering with each other’s codebase.


Capture Newer Markets Quickly

MFE allows reusability, lower costs and maximizes efficiency from teams. This helps enterprises to expand to newer markets while optimizing costs and delivering unified user-experience in all markets. Few notable examples are the likes of Ikea and Spotify which employs MFE framework and focusses expansion in multiple markets simultaneously.


Autonomy & Ownership

Empowering teams with autonomy and ownership over their respective micro frontends fosters innovation, accountability, and faster development cycles. In today’s mobile development scenario, this principle allows different teams to focus on specific parts of the app, such as onboarding, payments, or messaging, without being constrained by dependencies on other teams. This autonomy leads to faster iterations, quicker releases, and a more agile development process.


Loose Coupling & Integration

Maintaining loose coupling between micro frontends is crucial to ensure seamless integration and interoperability. By using well-defined APIs and communication protocols, teams can integrate their modules into the larger mobile app without tightly coupling them to other components. This decoupling enables easier updates, versioning, and scalability, as changes in one module do not necessarily impact others, reducing the risk of unintended consequences.

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What are the key decision pointers before considering Micro Frontend implementation?

Implementing Micro Frontends is really complex, you will have to manage independent development workflows, CI/CD pipelines, and share the components. Therefore, most companies fear adopting micro frontends.

Here are some Do’s & Don’t which will help in deciding when to implement Micro Frontends.
  1. If you are building a supper app with multiple line of business offerings in a single application.

  2. If you have a plan to build a global multi-lingual but consistently design user experience.
  1. If you are in the MVP stage of product development.

  2. If there are smaller budgets & simple requirements with limited team members.

How to adopt Micro Frontend?


Evaluate your current architecture

Understand your current frontend architecture and identify any pain points that can be addressed by adopting Micro Frontend.


Choose a framework

Select a framework or tool that can help you implement Micro Frontend, such as Single-spa, Web Components, or iframes.


Break down your UI into smaller parts

Divide your user interface into smaller, manageable parts that can be developed and deployed independently.


Define team responsibilities

Assign responsibilities to different teams or individuals for developing and maintaining different Micro Frontends.


Implement a consistent design system

Develop a consistent design system that can be shared across all Micro Frontends to maintain a cohesive user experience.


Test and monitor

Test your Micro Frontends thoroughly to ensure they work as expected and monitor their performance to identify any issues.

By following these steps, you can successfully adopt Micro Frontend and reap the benefits of a more flexible and scalable frontend architecture.


Embracing the principles of micro frontends for mobile development can revolutionize the way mobile apps are built, maintained, and scaled. By decomposing the user interface, promoting autonomy and ownership, ensuring loose coupling and integration, and prioritizing a consistent user experience, teams can create more modular, flexible, and resilient mobile applications that adapt to the dynamic needs of users and the market. Incorporating these principles can lead to faster development cycles, improved collaboration, and ultimately, a superior mobile app experience for users.

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